Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

super hero stories, originally published in one4all magazine.

Superheroes have been a part of our culture for all time. Throughout history, do-gooders that save the day against impossible odds have been celebrated.  Going way back, the superheroes typically had some sort of religious connection (for example the Greek or Roman Gods and characters from the Bible like Noah could be considered superheroes), but they all had something in common: a need to assist the greater good.
Now days you look at comic books and super hero movies and the underlying themes are the same.  Superhero characters typically have a power above the norm, an almost obsessive need to help and some adversity overcoming back story as to how they got to be who they are (murdered parents, exploding home world, etc.).  I think we, as humanity, look to super heroes for a few different reasons, each of which I will explore below.
“My life doesn’t suck as bad as I thought.”  Superhero stories give us a great escape from our everyday lives.  These stories on the screen or on paper take us to other worlds and realities that fascinate us, entertain us and allow us a moment of fantasy.  Usually, there’s a BIG element of impending disaster in these stories, huge odds to overcome and life or death scenarios with which the superhero must deal.  This escapism gives us a chance to take a break from our daily grind and realize that, albeit fiction, things could be worse than they are and the world could be ending, aliens could be invading or zombies could be taking over (its starting, I swear!).
“I would have done that too.”  We all like to think that we would react in a “good” way to bad situations and take the high road.  Superhero stories are kind of like children stories with morals. They remind us that being righteous and ethical can lead to the greater reward and success in life.  We are told that, though the path may be hard, following the good road leads to the best result (I sound like a fortune cookie!).
“Green Lantern is HOT!” We also look at superheroes in a role model and sexual manner.  Just like adult film stars, male superheroes are created with hyper-masculine qualities, perfect musculature and dashing good looks.  Of all the man-loving folks out there, who wouldn’t want a ride on the superhero sex train? These images are fantasy, and we know them to be, but it gives us a perfect ideal to strive for in our own lives.
So superheroes serve the purpose in our lives to entertain, give us guidance and remind us that things are so bad.  When things look rough, just be glad you don’t have a world eating super villain on its way to devour your planet! And remember, Superheroes are always welcome in Charles World!

wearing part of a suit.

that scene with Luke Milan was awesome!!!

dirty pic!

One of my favorite things to do...